Success in low input, organic plots begins with great seed!
Transition Farm produces and sells high quality, 100% certified organic and Demeter bio-dynamic seed that thrives in low input growing conditions with resilient health and strong genetics. We breed for flavour, local adaptation, yield, beauty and disease resilience. Organically produced seed with vigour, in-built resilience and the desire to network and grow thrives in organic plots.
We are dedicated to the Australian Demeter Bio-dynamic method of farming - nurturing whole farm ecosystems and building and maintaining healthy soil. We believe plants grown in living soil, who's growth is guided by sunlight produce seeds capable of forming robust root systems. Resilience- to pests and disease, to less then ideal growing conditions, to climate stress - is a generational story held in a seed.
We are passionate about supporting and being part of a hearty network of growers developing and maintaining living soils, contributing to healthy communities and ensuring food sovereignty. Transition Farm seed is used by commercial growers and nurseries Australia wide.
One of the greatest keys to continuous harvest is thinking one season ahead! Our quest for autumn brassicas finds us sowing those seeds now. We also continue our successive planting plan, including sowing our third and last planting of the season of zucchini and cucumbers.