
Transition Farm has been using Organic and Bio-dynamic farming practices since we started operating in 2007. In 2012, we attended a Bio-dynamic Agriculture Association of Australia (BDAAA) field day and began using the prepared 500, 501 and compost preps made by the BDAAA farmers. The results further endeared and impassioned us to this method. The difference in soil development and consequently plant health and the vitality of the harvest since joining the BDAAA could be summed up to intelligence. We find the Australian Demeter Method of enlivening soil and supporting plants own innate ability to guide their health using sunlight is one of the purest farming management systems that supports the intelligence and interconnection of an ecosystem. The result is health in all living entities within that system be them soil, microbes, fungi, plants, animals, humans.

Following our decision in 2019 to provide seed for sale, we decided it was necessary to become Certified. Certified bio-dynamic and organic seed assures the grower using those seeds of the conditions the seeds have been grown. Disease and pest pressure as well as mining for nutrition leaves an imprint of how to thrive within the seeds genetic code.

We applied for Bio-dynamic and Organic Certification in 2019 and are Certified Organic and Certified Demeter Bio-dynamic.

For the rights to use the Australian DEMETER Bio-Dynamic trade mark an operator must satisfy the requirements of the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce and show soil structure development and farm management as detailed in the Australian Demeter Bio-Dynamic Method Standard.

We are certified by the Bio-Dynamic Research Institute, 120B Beresford Rd, Lilydale, VIC 3140.

Our Bio-Dynamic Certificate # is 784.