Viola 'Anna'


Viola 'Anna'


Viola x wittrockiana

We love these adorable, early-season, tricolor violas.

Tidy plants produce purple blooms with blazes of yellow, orange, or white. Flowers are attractive and edible! Add to salads, as garnish for main dishes, or atop your favorite dessert.

  • Edible

  • Early

  • Annual

Open Pollinated

Certified Organic

SEED COUNT: 100 approx.
Germination: Lot#37H936 Dec 2024 80%

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Seed Raising, Growing and Harvest Information

Plant Type Site Spacing Height Sowing
Days to
Days to
Full Sun 15cm apart 20cm lightly cover 4-7 days
@ 17-20°C
60-70 days

TRANSPLANT (recommended) - Violas will tolerate a light frost. In climates with mild winters or in tunnels, violas may be sown late summer to fall. Direct seeding is not recommend. Sow 7-9 weeks before planting out. Cover seeds lightly. Bottom water or mist to avoid displacing seeds. For flowering in packs, sow 8 weeks before desired bloom time.

NOTE - High temperatures can cause plants to stall, and temporarily decline in growth and bloom. Deadhead regularly to increase blooms.

HARVESTING/VASE LIFE - Edible flowers - fully open. Cut flowers - stems are long and at least one bloom per stem is open. Deadheading encourages continuous blooms. Overwintered planting allows for well-established plants that are coming into flower during the long days and warm temperature of spring and early summer. Long days and warm temperature cause the elongation of stems and profuse flowering that is required for quality cut flower viola.