Chamomile 'German'

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Chamomile 'German'


Matricaria chamomilla

German Chamomile is a lovely annual with masses of small daisy flowers.  Tea made from the flowers aids digestion and acts as a gentle sleep inducer. The flowers can also be used in drinks, desserts and salads with a sweet flavour.  

We love how the flowers pull their petals down at night and spread them flatter during the day – like a full skirt spinning!

An infusion of the flowers can be added to the bath water and the tea can be used as a rinse for blond hair to restore highlights.

Beneficial insects are attracted to the flowers that are also used as a natural plant dye yielding a pleasant, soft yellow.

 Used in biodynamic compost preparations, chamomile connects with calcium that helps to ward off the harmful effects of fruiting too early and keeps the plant healthy. Referred to as the “plant’s physician” in folklore, it has been said that if you have a failing plant, simply plant chamomile next to it and it will revive.

 Prefers to grow when it is cooler, sow Autumn – early Spring

SEED COUNT - 200 approx

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Seed Raising, Growing and Harvest Information

Plant Type Site Spacing Height Sowing
Days to
Days to
Annual Full Sun 20cm apart
in rows 45cm apart
50-60cm Surface 10-14 days
@ 20-30 degrees
60-65 days

TRANSPLANTS (recommended) – In our climate, seeds can be started in Autumn 4-6 weeks before transplanting out. Scatter seeds onto the growing medium, but do not cover as they require light for germination. Mist to keep the soil surface moist. Keep flats at alternating temperatures of 20°C during the day and 30°C at night aids germination. Transplant when seedlings are 2-4cm tall with 3-4 true leaves, as older seedlings do not transplant well. The final spacing should be 20cm apart in rows 45cm apart.

DIRECT SEED - Direct seed in the Autumn or Spring. Scatter the seeds in a narrow band and cover shallowly, as seeds require light to germinate. Keep moist until germination. Thin to clusters of 2-3 plants spaced 20cm apart in rows 45cm apart.

NOTE – Successive plantings can provide a longer season