Eggplant 'Little Finger'

Eggplant 'Little Finger'

from A$5.25

Solanum melongena

Slender, petite 12-18cm eggplants fantastic for grilling. Dark purple skin is thin and tender. Flesh has a silky texture with few seeds and mildly sweet flavour.

  • Slender 12-18cm fruit

  • Mild, sweet flavour

  • Early – Earlier then larger fruiting varieties

  • Reliable in cooler climates.

  • Productive

Harvest when fruit is young and glossy.

A great variety for large containers!

Certified Demeter Biodynamic and Certified Organic

SEED COUNT: 20, 100 approx.
Germination Rate: 95% Lot#18202 Jun 2024

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Seed Raising, Growing and Harvest Information

Plant Type Site Spacing Height Sowing
Days to
Days to
Full Sun 45cm apart
in rows 75-90cm apart
60cm 6mm 7-10 days
@ 27-30 degrees
60 days

TRANSPLANT (recommended) - Sow seed indoors during early spring, or 6-8 weeks prior to planting outdoors. Sow 4 seeds/2.5cm, 6mm deep, and maintain soil temperature at 27-32°C until emergence and 21°C thereafter. Seed will not germinate in cool soil.

After true leaves form, transplant into 5-8cm pots or soil blocks. To harden plants, reduce water and temperature to about 16°C for about a week before planting out.

Transplant outdoors late spring or early summer once the weather has thoroughly settled. Eggplants are tender, and cold weather may weaken them.