Biodynamic Gardening Notes 30 November - 6 December

The moon continues descending – The earth is breathing in and drawing growth forces back down below the soil surface.  The lower parts of the plants, especially the roots, are activated.  Activities that take advantage of the descending moon include making and spreading compost, transplanting seedlings and trees, taking and planting cuttings, and cultivating soil. On Tuesday the 6th, the Moon and Saturn are in opposition to each other.  The Moon and Saturn in opposition cycle occurs every 27.5 days.  “The Moon forces bring in the calcium processes which are connected to propagation and growth.  The Saturn forces bring in the silica processes which connect form and structure.  The balancing effect of these two influences streaming into the earth produces very strong plants from seed sown at this time.  Tests have shown the 48 hours leading up to this event is optimal time that overrides even the ascending, descending and moon in constellations for best planting time” (Biodynamic Resource Manual, 54).

"Spraying 501 when the moon and Saturn are in opposition has been found to be very effective in bringing healing and strengthening qualities.  In many cases, this has been found to strengthen the plants against specific fungus attack (Proctor, 50)"

Tuesday the 6th at 11:14 is also the Apogee of the moon – The moon is at its furthest from the earth.  During Apogee there is always multiplicity of form, and it appears a good time to plant potatoes as these multiply.  Apogee times bring a stress period and seed sowing should be avoided 12 hours on either side of these times (except potatoes) (Biodynamic Resource Manual, 53).

With the past days of wet, moist weather, we are taking every advantages of breaks to spray Casaurina tea, seaweed brew and witch’s brew to give support  to the plants and help them to overcome any fungus, mildews and/or rusts which may be starting.  Pay careful attention to cucumbers, grapes,  melons, pumpkins tomatoes, and zucchini and summer squash plants.

You can seed successive plantings of arugula (rocket), beans,  beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, lettuce and summer greens spinach, spring onions and zucchini.

Maria Thun emphasized that seeding, transplanting, and/or pruning on the constellation in which the plant you are trying to encourage lies, emphasizes that plant’s qualities.  Based on her research, seed and/or transplant your cabbages in a water sign, seed and/or transplant your broccoli in a flower sign, seed your carrots and root crops in an earth sign and seed your corn in a fire sign.

The moon is in an earth sign on Wednesday and Thursday until 15:02. Earth signs are favourable for root plants.  These included all plants whose roots we harvest: carrots, parsnips, radishes, beetroot, celeriac, swedes, potatoes, onions and garlic.

It then moves into an air sign until Sunday at 01:39.  Air signs are favourable for flower plants.  These include all the plants, which are grown for their flowers, and where we want a long flowering time: garden flowers, medicinal and preparation flowers, bulbs and broccoli.

On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday until 14:15, the moon is in a water sign. Water signs are favourable for leaf plants.  These include all the plants whose leaves we harvest: cabbages, cauliflower, parsley, coriander, lettuce, spinach, bok choy, silver beet, asparagus and fennel.

Tuesday afternoon until early morning Friday, the moon is in a fire sign.  Warmth or fire signs are favourable for fruit plants.  These include all plants whose seed fruit we harvest: beans, peas, grains, cucumbers, squashes, lentils, corn, capsicums, rice, soya, tomatoes, zucchini, strawberries and fruit trees.


-Gardening Notes are compiled using Brian Keats Antipodean Astro Calendar; Maria Thun’s Gardening for Life; Biodynamic Agriculture Australia’s Biodynamic Resource Manual; Peter Prctor's Grasping the Nettle, Peter Cundall’s The Practical Australian Gardener; Louise Riotte’s Astrological Gardening; and the experiences and farm practices on Transition Farm

Links for more information

For more information about our Biodynamic Gardening Notes, visit our previous post About our Biodynamic Notes.

For more information about liquid brews for plant health, visit our Seasonal Notes page and click the tag “liquid brews” .

For more information about Biodynamics and to purchase biodynamic preparations visit Biodynamic Australia at

For more information about the Antipodean Astro Calendar, Biodynamic Planting and research and more visit Brian Keats’ website at