Basil 'Amethyst'
Basil 'Amethyst'
Ocimum basilicum
This culinary basil and floral arrangement filler is a dark purple almost black version of ‘Genovese’ basil. The leaf shape is the same and the flavour contains the hints of mint and clove, full and robust. With its dark leaves and small purple florets, it is as beautiful as a garnish as it is in bouquets and companion planted in the garden.
We love ‘Amethyst’ in raw summer salads, mixed with zucchini noodles, lemon zest and garlic and in mixed flower bouquets. It attracts beneficial insects and is a great companion herb.
Certified Demeter Biodynamic and Certified Organic
SEED COUNT: 200 approx
Germination: Lot#22007 Oct 2024 86%
Seed Raising, Growing and Harvest Information
Plant Type | Site | Spacing | Height | Sowing Depth |
Days to Germination |
Days to Maturity |
Annual | Full Sun | 23-30cm apart in rows 25cm apart |
50-60cm | 6mm | 5-10 days @ 18-21°C |
60 days |
DIRECT SEED - Plant seeds 6mm deep, 2-3 seeds per inch, in rows 45cm apart. Firm the soil over the seeds. Thinning is not necessary, but a final spacing of 16-20cm apart produces healthy, full plants.
TRANSPLANT - Sow indoors 6 weeks prior to setting out (after last frost). Plant 6mm deep and keep at 21°C for best germination. Transplant to the field when seedlings have 3-4 sets of leaves, spacing at 10-20cm apart in rows 45cm apart.
NOTE – Basil despises cold weather and turns black at the touch of frost. Pinch the tops out of the plants above a branching node when they are 16cm high to encourage side shoots.
HARVEST - Begin light harvesting after plants have become established. It is best done in the early morning when the temperature is cooler and the leaves are less likely to wilt. A full harvest should be completed just before the plants start to flower. Cut the entire plant 10-15cm above the ground to promote a second growth. Leaves are easily bruised when picking, so handle carefully. Do not store at a temperature less than 10°C.