In the long days of summer...

In the long days of summer…we harvest. As farmers we spend more then 50% of our time harvesting and in late summer when the field tomatoes are on, the capsicum are maturing, the corn is ready, onions have bulbed and are ready for drying, beans are happening…we spend a lot of time harvesting. We also need to keep on top of the weeds which love the heat too, seed and transplant Autumn crops and keep everything hydrated. We brew herbal teas for the crops and battle insects - all with the hope of harvesting!!


Our CSA moves forward with an eight week Late Summer share. You can learn more and purchase the boxes via the Farm Store on our website . Our Late - Summer CSA will start Friday 1 February and run through Friday 22 March. It will be followed by an Autumn and Early Winter share.

If you are curious what the shares this season have looked like, please look at these photos or these photos from shares last CSA season.

Here is how the farm is looking…

In the long days of summer, tomatoes ripen…

In the long days of summer, tomatoes ripen…

…in all shades and colours!!!

…in all shades and colours!!!

Capsicum and eggplant mature.

Capsicum and eggplant mature.

Corn tassels.

Corn tassels.

Pumpkins flower, are pollinated and grow!

Pumpkins flower, are pollinated and grow!

New varieties of beetroot are grown and sent to restaurants.

New varieties of beetroot are grown and sent to restaurants.

Heirloom lettuce form heads and climbing cucumbers enjoy the shade created under a canopy.

Heirloom lettuce form heads and climbing cucumbers enjoy the shade created under a canopy.

Seed crops are thriving.

Seed crops are thriving.

Sunflowers in the green manure bud while flowers in the tomatoes and hedgerows bloom. These green manures our our next crops food. Soon they will be mowed and incorporated, the soil life with transform them into stable humus which holds carbon and f…

Sunflowers in the green manure bud while flowers in the tomatoes and hedgerows bloom. These green manures our our next crops food. Soon they will be mowed and incorporated, the soil life with transform them into stable humus which holds carbon and feeds the crop! Working within the natural cycle is amazing.

The farm is a rotating tapestry of green manure crops growing, soil prepared, and food crops at all stages of maturity.

The farm is a rotating tapestry of green manure crops growing, soil prepared, and food crops at all stages of maturity.

Language barriers are overcome as Robin gives a group of Japanese farmers interested in organic farming techniques a handful of soil to smell, taste and touch.

Language barriers are overcome as Robin gives a group of Japanese farmers interested in organic farming techniques a handful of soil to smell, taste and touch.

Honey bees build comb

Honey bees build comb

and cap honey in comb filled with old pollen stores.

and cap honey in comb filled with old pollen stores.

Honey is harvested, pressed and jarred.

Honey is harvested, pressed and jarred.

Our honey is available to our CSA members at farm pick up and also to the general public at Yoga in the Park in Sorrento. This is Baxter’s 10th year hosting morning yoga classes near the wooden park overlooking the ferry terminal and the Sorrento pier. You can visit her website to learn more about the daily classes and Intelligent Health - a collaboration between three wonderful local legends/health care professionals here on the peninsula.

As the earth exhales its dazzling array of colours, flavours, and textures, we continue to sow the Autumn crops and try and keep up with the weeds and the harvest! We will be hosting a series of farm tours to share our biodynamic regenerative practices. Please look for another email about them.

Wishing you all a fruit-filled summer!!

Robin and Peter