Transition Farm Relocating
/With much excitement and anticipation we share that we are selling our farm and home and relocating to a larger property. Our online seed store will continue to operate as usual throughout our relocation.
In May 2020, after ten seasons of feeding our community through our CSA program and growing for restaurants, we decided to dedicate all of our growing efforts to seed work. Over the past four seasons, we have reflected on the seed work, and the ideal space and infrastructure to facilitate this work. And essentially we have come to a crossroad where we would like to grow in our seed work but are limited by our space.
The thought of shifting farms is not new and admittedly one of the reasons it has not happened sooner is that it is a daunting task especially when there are so many “knowns” here and so many “unknowns” somewhere else.
Petra Page-Mann of Fruition Seed wrote, “Our gardens grow us more then we grow them.” Peter and I feel so very grateful for all the lessons, connection, and deep meaning that this space has provided us. So while we are taking a leap of faith that shifting will help our work, we are also moving forward with the experience that this patch of earth and sky and our supportive community have gifted us. Sincerely, we would not be thinking of expansion without the support of our community! You have literally grown us as growers!!
The value of focusing on health and working with nature has been an amazing teacher. The transformation of the soil and the explosion of diversity within this small ecosystem is attributable to encouraging and supporting a system that is based upon and facilitates its own health, naturally. A diverse ecosystem begins with living soil and we have worked hard to nurture the soil through quality biodynamic preparations, green manure crops, conscious cultivation, crop rotation and allowing plants to feed themselves through sunlight and soil.
And we further contributed to the ecosystem through the establishment of indigenous, native corridors, hedge rows for nectar feeding, beneficial insect and thorough soil management practices which encouraged life. All of these are encompassed within the Demeter Biodynamic Method - anyone can do them anywhere!!
We are grateful for the many mentorrs we have had along the way. From small gems offered which kept echoing inside of us to large thought transformations which occurred over time - actually doing, observing, reflecting and making mistakes have yielded not only a growing seed catalogue but also a family trying to manifest ourselves and contribute back to our community and this great earth in a positive way.
Our online seed store will continue to operate as usual throughout our relocation. In our newsletter, we will share growing tips and the new farm developing. The sale of our property is simply a relocation of our home and our seed work.
Here is a short slide show of the front paddock and the changes it has undergone in the past 16 years.
With sincere gratitude as we take this next step,
Robin and Peter