Zinnia 'Benarys Giant Lime'

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Zinnia 'Benarys Giant Lime'


Zinnia elegans

Seed Available June 2025

The colour of a glowing Golden Delicious apple crossed with a Granny Smith, beautiful broad blooms and an extremely high percentage of double flowers on sturdy stems. At 1-1.2m tall ‘Benary’s Giant Lime’ makes a statement at the back of a border and in the cutting garden. Good disease resistance.

Combines well with an assortment of other blooms as well as a large colour palette. The sculptural quality of Giant Lime with its twilled new petals rising in tiers adds interest to design work and its chartreuse green mixes well with whites, pastels and fiery colours. Especially gorgeous colour with bold foliage.

Certified Demeter Biodynamic and Certified Organic

SEED COUNT: 50 approx

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Seed Raising, Growing and Harvest Information

Plant Type Site Spacing Height Sowing
Days to
Days to
Annual Full Sun 23-30cm apart
in rows 30cm apart
100cm 6mm 7-10 days
@ 20-22 degrees
75-90 days

TRANSPLANT (recommended) – Temperatures below 15 °C delay flowering so plan to transplant when nighttime temperatures reliably not below 15 °C. Sow into flats or preferred seedling container 6 weeks before your transplant date.. Cover seeds lightly with vermiculite. Seeds germinate best at 20-22 °C. Higher temperatures reduce germination. Grow on at 15-18 °C for 3-4 weeks. Harden-off and transplant. Do not allow plants to become root bound and avoid disturbing roots; transplant shock or other stress events may cause double-flowering varieties to produce single blooms for a period following stress.

DIRECT SEED - After last frost, sow 0.6mm deep. For cut flower production, thin seedlings or plant plugs at 20-25 cm in rows 30 cm apart.

NOTES - Succession-sow/plant every four weeks for prolonged yields of high-quality stems. Pinching of initial bud or bloom and subsequent deadheading is recommended to encourage strong branching and bloom production.