Get Dirty!
/Our vision in purchasing this property and growing food has been to develop a sustainable ecosystem that will provide a diversity of quality food for our family, to use sustainable practices to grow food for other families and to share resources to empower the community with the skills to grow their own food. I do not know how to use Word Press...and the farm is busier then ever- But I want to start sharing simple pleasures from our garden, glimpses of how this system works, biodynamic notes, a seasonal farm diary- If you are growing food, or thinking about growing food, or just want to feel more connected to where your food is coming from, I hope these posts are relevant.
Anyone can grow food- It all starts with the soil- Peter chose this property because it was in "the worst" possible condition- It was devoid of life- Where were the worms, the fungus, the critters- Peter felt if we could renew this soil, bring back the life, kick start an eco-system, others might believe that it can be done...anywhere!- We would love to lose families in our share program because they are growing their own food!
So please forgive me if I cannot respond to every comment or even work out how to receive them- In the spirit of spring I have decided to jump in and and start sharing and learn as I go-
The weather turned today from the sunny warmth we have been having to a bitter wind and rain- But the earth is warming up, the sap is staring to flow in the trees, spring equinox is approaching- It is a great time to dig your hands in and get dirty!