It's Spring...New Beginnings
How do you know it's spring? When I was a child, it was the new growth on the seagrapes and the delicious smell of citrus in bloom- In my twenties, it was the fading daphne, tete a tete daffodils blooming and the glorious spring "snow" as the wind blew the petals of the plum blossoms! And here in Australia...our true measure of spring are the wattle trees- Spring is coming when the wattle trees are blooming...and the 1st of September, so the old timers and school teachers say-
Not to mention the noticeably longer days, knee high garlic, the daily measure of growth in the artichokes, blooming broad beans, budding sage, asparagus and new roots sprouting from the over-wintered carrots- Time to roast the last of those root crops and mix with the tender spring spinach and move into seedlings!
This is a warm spring- We have seeded our capsicums, eggplants and tomatoes on a heat pad...but we also did them not on the heat pad this year and they have all germinated- Our greenhouse is filling up with the beginning of the "summer" crops, like the peppers and tomatoes, as well as the leeks, onions, lettuces, spinach, celery, brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi), beet root, peas for transplanting in the mandalas, herbs and flowers- We have spring frost here- If you do not wake to fennel leaves covered in sparkling crystals, you could start your seeds in a a sheltered sunny spot outside or a sunny inside window -
Biodynamic Notes
While we still have a waxing moon (until Full moon on Monday 12th), the moon has started descending- The earth is again breathing in, drawing growth forces back down below the soil- If you have any fruit trees left to prune, prune on fruit days- - Spread compost and spray horn manure preparation 500 on descending root sign days- Harvest root crops for storage on an earth day- Cultivate soil and transplant seedlings and trees-
I feel like this is the calm before the storm- Time to finish the last of the "winter" jobs and prepare for more seeding when the moon starts ascending again on Tue 20th-
Fruit Days Tue 6th - Wed 7th
Earth days Thurs 8th- Sat 10th
Flower days Sun11th- Mon 12th
Hoping for rain to germinate our new pasture!