Key Information to Record for Future Success

CSA share December - Many of these crops were sown in September!!!

CSA share December - Many of these crops were sown in September!!!

We started our first CSA exactly 11 years ago this week!

We magnified our home garden which provided our family all of our vegetable needs to providing a box of diverse vegetables each week to CSA members who committed for the season. We did not start with farmers markets nor wholesale. We just jumped in to the model we felt offered the best direct connection between farmer, farm and community.

How did we consistently provide 8-18 items each week?

Peter had been keeping notes of our home garden throughout our first years on this new land. Those records and records from each subsequent CSA season provided us the framework from which we built each unique key harvest.

Key Information to Record for Future Success

  • Cultivar Name - Cultivars matter so do write more then ‘Red Capsicum’ or ‘Green Cabbage’

  • Sowing Date

  • Soil Preparation - Including which green manure crops preceded, soil additives, and how it was readied

  • Transplanting Date

  • Weather Reflections each week - High/Low temperatures, lots of rain, no rain, gale force winds, frost, unusual weather events (such as 5 straight days of above 40C)

  • Pest and/or Disease Pressure and general notes on how happy the plants were

  • First harvest date

  • Thoughts on flavour and usability

  • Thoughts on yield

  • Notes about spacing (perfect, needs more/less next season and what the ideal might be)

  • Who is a KEEPER and why

Through these notes, we had records of what was thriving here, in this unique place, in this unique soil, in each unique season!

And after a few seasons, we could begin to see patterns in how cultivars performed and their optimum conditions. This helped us to feel confident that despite the unpredictability of weather, we had covered the bases to ensure a consistent harvest.

Only YOU can provide yourself with this information! Trust yourself and your observations about what is working in your patch!!

Here is to where it began for us on this property, our home garden…

Here is to where it began for us on this property, our home garden…

Even in our home garden, I recorded the weekly harvest with a photo to help me remember

Even in our home garden, I recorded the weekly harvest with a photo to help me remember

What works for you to record your seasonal harvests?
